Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Shakey History and Other Alien Mystery: The Prehistoric Petroglyph Proof

*N.B. As a disclaimer - This is by no means an in depth look into the past, it is merely a brief history to bring us up to speed. This is a stone skimming the surface, but the information is out there and I encourage all to investigate further and form hypothesesse for what else can we do but make educated guesses at this point?*

Who knows when the first sightings began? How where they perceived by the people of the past? Man has been sighting U.F.O. since before we had Identifiable Man-made Flying Objects. Certainly some saw these as God signs, others (such as the Celts) saw them as extra-planar creatures (not to be confused with extra-terrestrials as is often the thought of present day observers). But it still remains to be seen whether or not these are our creators, our planar neighbors, or beings that inhabit a different sector of this universe all together.
To figure this out we must dig up the history both speculative and proof positive. So we begin where all history seems to begin... prehistory. We must first look to the surprisingly quick arrival and evolution of mankind. In this we find an oddity, no other species that we know of has evolved and adapted at quite the rate of humans. We moved to the top of the top in, relative to everything, a very very short period of time. We also seem to be the only species of anything to conceptualize the universe and its limitless expanse and thus breeding a desire for exploration.
Were we planted as seeds or germ in a planetary petri dish by intelligent beings? This would certainly rationalize our extra-terrestrial desires, but so would the use of psychoactive flora that exist naturally. Maybe our rapid rise caught the attention of other worldly beings. All of this is speculation, but here is the evidence we do have:

Petroglyphs - Dating back as far as 10,000 B.C.E. we see petroglyphs and cave paintings that depict seemingly E.T. creatures and some even contain disc shape objects hovering in the backround. These ancient artists carved their images from Italy to Utah and back around to Africa leaving the present population in speculation as to the inspiration of these prehistoric paintings. Below are a few of these images for you to form your own theories around.

From Left to Right: Italy c. 10,000 BCE, Sahara Desert Unknown, Sahara c. 6,000 BCE

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