Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why Aliens HAVE to Be Humanoid

And I say humanoid, but really, we are Alienoid.

It is widely considered that Aliens are bipeds with big heads and sometimes they are to be the dread of the humans. But why bipeds? Why big heads? Well it is quite simple. To progress mentally and thus scientifically, one must become curious. Once curiosity is established a desire to discover is formed. Once the desire is in place, experiment and exploration become the focus, which give way to revelations and advancement.

But how is this curiosity bred? And this is where I connect the importance of the humanoid form. Unlike most animals we have the opportunity to keep our heads pointed to the stars, we are built for observation. Standing upright stops us from keeping our back to the sun on all fours and thus keeping our backs to the stars. We have been given the brain, the greatest KNOWN computational device in the animal kingdom. This combination is what separates us from the rest of the animals and allows to hypothesize. This is why aliens must be humanoid. This is the form that all beings need to attain to progress beyond the limits of space and time.

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